Application Procedures

  1. Obtain nomination from Full Member of CIFA.
  2. Download the application form for Full Membership or Associate Membership OR fill in the form online.
  3. With effect from 1 July, 2021, new members (Full and Associate) will only be charged an one-off Membership Initiation Fee (MIF) of HK$2400/HK240 (US $300/US$30) for Full / Associate members respectively. Once the individuals or organisations have paid the MIF, they will become “Life Member” of CIFA. The same principle applies to Existing CIFA members, and so they do not need to pay for the membership renewal fee for every 2 years anymore.
    No membership fee will be refunded unless in the opinion of the Council there is good and sufficient cause to do so.
  4. Send the ORIGINAL of the completed form with copy of document on the status of the organization, where appropriate, and a crossed cheque payable to ‘ Consortium of Institutes on Family in the Asian Region Limited ‘ to the Secretariat, CIFA Hong Kong Office, Portion B, 21/F Wofoo Commercial Building, 574-576 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. IF the application form is completed online, send the SOFTCOPY of document on the status of the organization to , and the crossed cheque to the Secretariat separately by mail.
  5. For Full Membership, the Council may require a copy of the relevant supporting documents such as the Constitution or Articles of Association and Latest Audited Accounts or certified accounts to be provided.
  6. Every application for Membership shall be made in writing signed by the applicant in such form as the Council prescribes, and the Council shall have an absolute discretion to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
Apply Now:
  1. Upload events, studies or research on family of your organization onto the CIFA WEP.
  2. Collaborate with other members of CIFA to conduct research or studies to enhance intra-regional exchange.
  3. Co-organize training activities in collaboration with other members of CIFA.
  4. Enjoy a special rate when participating in training activities and symposiums organized by CIFA.
Disqualification of Member:
  1. In accordance to the Memorandum and Articles of Association, if:
  2. a Member ceases to comply with the qualifications for Full or Associate Membership from time to time specified by the Council;
  3. a Member is in breach of the Articles; or
  4. the conduct of a Member is detrimental to the interest or reputation of CIFA; 
    the Council shall be entitled to remove the name of the Member from the register of Members by resolution and upon such removal such Member shall cease to be a Member.
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