Evidence-based research
- Conduct cross-cultural comparative studies in the region
- Collaborate on innovative initiatives on selected areas of family studies
- Exchange ideas on clinical and public policy research
Clinical practice
- Develop protocols for clinical practice relevant to the social and cultural context of the Asian region to ensure quality of service
- Develop evaluative tools to measure the effectiveness of service delivery
- Share the clinical expertise established within the region
Trans-disciplinary training
- Indentify regional training needs
- Promote a trans-disciplinary model in the training of family practitioners
- Develop tailor-made-in-service training packages
- Develop regional internship and attachment programs for broader exposure
- Organize regional conference, symposiums, workshops on specific topics
- Exchange faculty members, students and staff to widen exposure
- Explore joint education degrees and programs among institutions
Information sharing
- Set up an information clearing house to share clinical and research reports, articles, project reports and list of resource persons
- Develop a bilingual website on family issues and studies
- Hyperlink the homepages of relevant organizations